60 Seconds with WITS West Speaker — Amy Gawronski Zuccaro
Amy Gawronski Zuccaro is the Senior Manager of Global eCommerce UX at Symantec. Her session at WITS West is “UX Can Play Well wth Agile Systems”
Why is speaking at WITS important to you?
It allows me to reach an audience broader than my immediate bubble, and lets me share what I know with a larger community of practice.
What inspires you?
Watching videos from organizations like TechGirlz, and knowing that girls today have visible role models in the tech world. Front-line engineers, program managers, UX designers, and others are just as important for young girls to see as C-level women. Representation matters.
Most useful article you’ve read in the last month
The State of UX in 2018 from the UX Collective (https://trends.uxdesign.cc/). This article gave a great overview of where User Experience is, the challenges we still face, and what’s next.
When you were a kid what was your dream job?
I wanted to be a foreign correspondent for the New York Times. I guess I’ve always wanted to tell people’s stories and understand why they act the way they do. It’s a natural fit for a UX designer/researcher.
Quote about your session
When our organization switched to Agile, my UX team struggled to find a home in the development process. It took us around 6 years to figure out the right fit. If you’re struggling to incorporate UX in your Agile framework, or if you’re considering an Agile transformation, maybe my experiences can save you some time and pain.