Meet the Speaker — Courtney Yatteau

Women In Tech Summit
2 min readApr 3, 2024


Courtney Yatteau is a Developer Advocate at Esri. She is leading a workshop at WITS Spring Summit on A Developer’s Guide to Open Source Web Mapping Libraries.

Why is speaking at WITS important to you?

I want to speak at WITS because it’s a chance to support and connect with other women in tech. I’ve taught and worked in tech, and I see this as an opportunity to share what I’ve learned and to learn from others.

What or who inspires you?

I’m inspired by Carol Dweck, who wrote about having a growth mindset (“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”). Her ideas on how we can grow and improve through challenges have really shaped the way I approach problems and learning in both my personal and professional life.

Most useful article you’ve read in the last month

The article ’31 Women in Tech Content Creators to Follow Now’ was really useful. It highlighted the lack of visibility for women in tech and gave a list of women doing great work in the field. It’s been a great resource for finding new people to follow and learn from.

When you were a kid, what was your dream job?

I always wanted to be a teacher because I loved helping others learn. As the oldest of seven kids, I was always teaching my younger siblings, which made me want to pursue teaching even more.

Tell us something about your session

My session, ‘A Developer’s Guide to Open Source Web Mapping Libraries,’ is a practical workshop where participants will learn how to use web mapping technologies. We’ll explore different tools like Leaflet and OpenLayers, and everyone will get hands-on experience with creating interactive maps. It’s designed for developers who want to improve their mapping skills.

What other sessions or speakers are you most excited to see?

I’m looking forward to attending several sessions at the Women in Tech Summit (WITS) Spring 2024 that align with my professional interests and goals. One session that I’m particularly excited about is “Using the Power of Inclusive Communities to Supercharge your Career.” This session promises insights into leveraging inclusive communities for career growth, which is a topic close to my heart as I strive to promote diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry.

Additionally, I’m eager to participate in the session on “How To Be the Most Productive Person On Your Team.” Productivity strategies are always valuable, especially in my role as a Developer Advocate, where staying organized and efficient is key to success. Learning new techniques to enhance productivity will be incredibly beneficial.

To hear from Courtney and the other amazing speakers at WITS Spring Summit register here.



Women In Tech Summit

The Women In Tech Summit inspires, educates and connects women in the technology industry. We support @techgirlzorg and all women in tech.